Proofs by induction
A 2 hour free course on proofs by induction
This is a two hour long course about mathematical proofs by induction.
High-school maths, mainly arithmetic.
This course concentrates on just one topic, proofs by induction, which is usually introduced in high-school and then comes back in various courses on college or university level.
Proofs by induction
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Course Objectives & Outcomes
How to conduct proofs by induction and in what circumstances we should use them.
Prove (by induction) some statements about divisibility of natural numbers.
Prove (by induction) some simple inequalities holding for natural numbers.
Prove (by induction) some formulas holding for natural numbers.
Prove (by induction) explicit formulas for sequences defined in a recursive way.
You will also get information about more advanced examples of proofs by induction.
You will get a short explanation how to use the symbols Sigma and Pi for sums and products.